As the people of God in Christ Jesus, we have been called to live out lives of evangelistic service in the time and place in which He has planted us. We do so according to Christ's Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) in this way:
Mission Statement
We gather around the cross,
formed and fueled by God's grace,
and are sent into the world to invite all people
to a life transformed by Jesus Christ.
Our Vision
- Gather
We gather from many different backgrounds and locales. Our common faith in Jesus Christ as Lord causes us to come together to love in word and action. We give thanks to God for the past, serve Christ in the present, and are passionate about the mission possibilities for the future. - Disciple
We believe God is calling St. John's to serve as a disciple-forming center of ministry. We come together eagerly and regularly to be revitalized and strengthened through vibrant and varied styles of worship, deep and engaging Bible study, constant and vigilant prayer, meaningful relationships with fellow believers, and opportunities to serve others in Jesus' name. We equip, mentor, and encourage one another in the faith we share, transforming the world one person at a time by the power of the Holy Spirit. Formed and fueled by God's grace, nourished by God's Word and Sacraments, our ministry is forward-looking, creative, and innovative. - Manage
We see our time, our possessions, and ourselves not as things we own but as that which belongs to God. Our calling is to help each believer grow in a Christ-like worldview, honoring the Lord with our whole life. We joyfully return to God everything He has put into our hands - all that we are and have. We strive to help one another discover our unique and God-given talents, using these in ways that will be a blessing to people inside and outside our congregation. - Invite
We are a mission outpost and see each believer as a missionary. Each of us is a witness, called by Christ to step out boldly in faith, inviting all people into a transforming relationship with Jesus Christ. Wherever we are, that is where our mission is: our homes and families, our neighborhoods and communities, our schools, and places of work and leisure. The mission is at our doorstep, filled with people of all backgrounds who are searching for purpose and meaning in life. Together we reach out to all, but especially to youth, senior adults, and immigrants.
Our hearts are ablaze with the good news of Jesus Christ
Our hands lift up those who are falling, and our feet walk in service to others
Our mouths tell us what God has done for us, and we eagerly shout, "Here I am, send me!"