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St. John's encourages the regular study of Scripture at every stage of a Christian's life.  Read on for our current and upcoming course offerings. 
Join us on Sunday mornings (September - June) at 9:15 am in our Fellowship Hall for Adult Education Classes. Please note the time of this class changes to 8:15 am during July and August. 

Click here to jump to our Sunday Morning Children's Ministry page.

Sunday Morning Studies

Daniel - Shelter in the Storm

The book of Daniel has much to teach us today about how, where, and when to seek shelter in the storms of life. Though he lived long ago, Daniel’s life can serve as a model for modern-day believers in how we are called to struggle well in our own journey of faith. Remembering God’s faithfulness to Daniel in his storm-tossed life and ministry in Babylon provides encouragement to us to find our own shelter in the storm through God’s abiding promises and enduring faithfulness. The Bible study on Daniel begins on Sunday, September 8, and concludes on Sunday, November 3 for a total of 8 sessions. Pastor Meehan will lead the study during the Education Hour on Sunday mornings from 9:15 - 10:15 am in the Fellowship Hall on the main level. 

Click here to register for this class.

For more information or help with registering, please contact the church office at 703.971.2210 or

Midweek Studies

Bible Study of the Book of Acts

2nd and 4th Wednesday Mornings, 10:00-11:30 a.m.

What was the fledgling Christian church like in the New Testament era after Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension? What challenges did the apostles face as they brought the good news of Jesus to people, both Jews and Gentiles? What can we learn from these early believers for our own life in Christ today? The book of Acts will be the subject of an in-depth study in the year ahead through St. John’s Midweek Bible Class. Using materials from LifeLight Bible study through Concordia Publishing House (, the book of Acts will be studied over the course of the year ahead in a two-part series. The Midweek Bible Class is led by Pastor Meehan and meets twice each month on the second and fourth Wednesday at 10 am in Rooms 307-309 on the upper level of the Education Center. The first session will be on Wednesday, September 11 at 10 am. Although the class is made up mostly of retirees, anyone is welcome to participate. Study guides will be needed for the class, and are available for purchase at $12.99 each. Please contact the church office (703-971-2210, with questions. 

Click here to register for this class and purchase the study material.

Tuesdays at 2:00 pm via SJLC Facebook page

Information about future Tuesdays@2 will be shared when this information is available.

Ongoing: Small Groups