Welcome! St. John's is known as the "Church of the Three Crosses" because of the three large crosses on our front lawn which serve as a landmark in the community. These three crosses also serve as our church's logo, which you'll find on the pages of this website.
We gather around the cross of Jesus whenever we come together for worship, Bible study, prayer, fellowship and service to others in his name. I invite you to gather with us, and discover the gifts Jesus wants to give you: peace which the world cannot give, true and lasting joy, strength to meet life's challenges, forgiveness of sins, life and salvation.
Our congregation is made up of people from many different places and backgrounds. The one thing which unites us is the cross of Jesus because it was on the cross that Jesus gave his life for you, for me, and for the whole world. We now see ourselves and others through the cross of Jesus, striving to love one another as Jesus loves us.
Our mission as a congregation:
We gather around the cross, formed and fueled by God's grace, and are sent into the world to invite all people to a life transformed by Jesus Christ.
There's a place for you at St. John's. I encourage you to come and visit us in person. We'd love to have you among us here.
May the Lord Jesus bless and keep you.
Rev. John S. Meehan
Senior Pastor
Worship With Us
We would be delighted to have you worship with us! Our congregation consists of people like you from every part of our nation — people seeking a sense of belonging and an opportunity for worship, growth and fellowship. May you find grace and blessing in the time we spend together.
- We are a member congregation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) and regularly welcome guests from sister congregations around the country as they visit our nation's captial.
- Expect a warm welcome at our Welcome Center as you enter the building, where you can find printed information about our church. We know visiting a church for the first time can be intimidating. Greeters will shake hands with you in the narthex and can answer questions before you enter the sanctuary.
- A staffed nursery is available for younger children (ages 4 and under) during worship at the Sunday morning services; ask any usher for the location. All children are welcome - wiggles and all - during service. During our children's message, children will be asked to come forward to the altar to hear a message, especially for them, after which they rejoin their parents in the pews.
- Coffee is available in the narthex (the "lobby" area outside the sanctuary) following the worship service. Please join us for conversation and fellowship!
- A guest registry is available at the entrance of the sanctuary, or you may fill in an information card (in the pew rack), along with our members, and put it into the offering plate. Let us know that you visited with us. (You may want to fill in the card right away after you are seated. You may not have enough time to fill it in after the pastor reminds us to fill in the card before the offering is received!)
- If you are hearing impaired, a portable personal listening device is available from an usher.
- The church is handicap accessible: numerous reserved parking spaces are available, the main entry doors are equipped with an automated opener, and an elevator provides access to the floors in the education building.
Taking Communion
Lutheran Christians believe and teach that in the Sacrament of the Altar, the gifts of Christ's true body and blood are given to those who receive the bread and wine. In this sacrament, Christ's people receive forgiveness of sins, strength for our journey of faith, and a foretaste of the heavenly banquet. All who have been baptized into Christ's death and resurrection, and who trust His words that these gifts are given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins, are invited to receive the Sacrament. (Glasses of white grape juice are placed at the center of each individual glass tray to those unable to consume wine.)
Young children who do not receive the Sacrament may come forward for a blessing, crossing their arms over their chest to indicate they will not receive Communion. Children in the 5th Grade (or at least 10 years old) may attend the Early Communion class offered each spring.
Joining St. John's
Several times a year, our congregation offers a "Discipleship 101" course for all those interested in learning more about what it means to be a disciple of our Lord here at St. John's. At the conclusion of the course, we welcome new members into our fellowship. Please contact the church office at office@sjlc.com for additional information, or if you have any questions.