What to expect when you visit:
We are delighted to have you worship with us! Our congregation consists of people from every part of our nation — people seeking a sense of belonging and an opportunity for worship, growth and fellowship. May you find grace and blessing in the time we spend together. Here is some helpful information for your initial visits:
- We are a congregation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS).
- We regularly welcome people visiting or moving to our nation's capital.
- Make your way up the front sidewalk through a set of red, double doors. A warm welcome will come from the person at our Welcome Desk as you enter. Here you can get information, directions, and answers to any questions you might have. Visiting a church for the first time can be intimidating. We want your experience to be as smooth as possible.
- You receive a bulletin when you enter the room where we gather for worship, the Sanctuary. This provides the content, or liturgy, for our service. Follow along and speak out loud the bolded words. Hymns will either be printed in the bulletin or found in one of the books in the pew rack in front of you. All types of voices are enjoyed. Song numbers will be listed in the bulletin.
- To let us know you were here, fill in a Connection Card found in the pew rack. Place the card on our offering plate at the rear of the room as you leave. You can also add your name to the guest registry book located outside Sanctuary doors. Leave an address or email, we will write a note.
- If you are hearing impaired, a portable personal listening device is available from an usher.
- The church is handicap accessible: numerous reserved parking spaces are available, the main entry doors are equipped with an automated opener, and there are cutout pews for wheelchairs in the Sanctuary. An elevator provides access to the floors and rooms in our education building.
- We have a staffed nursery during worship time, available for children ages 4 and under. Ask any usher or the Welcome Desk for the location. But understand, all children are welcome during worship - wiggles and all. Near the beginning of our worship time, we have a special message designed for young ones. Children are invited to come forward to the altar steps. Afterwards, they rejoin their parents in the pews.
- Coffee is always available in the narthex. This is our word for the "lobby" area outside the sanctuary and offices. Please get a cup and join in conversation and fellowship with the other folks standing by!
- Taking Communion. Lutheran Christians believe and teach that in the Sacrament of the Altar, the gifts of Christ's true body and blood are given to those who receive the bread and wine. In this sacrament, Christ's people receive forgiveness of sins, strength for our journey of faith, and a foretaste of the heavenly banquet. All who have been baptized into Christ's death and resurrection, and who trust His words that these gifts are given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins, are invited to receive the Sacrament. Glasses of white grape juice are placed at the center of each individual glass tray to those unable to consume wine. We also have gluten-free wafers if needed. Young children who do not yet receive the Sacrament may come forward for a blessing, crossing their arms over their chest to indicate they will not receive Communion. In our congregation, children in the 5th grade or those at least 10 years old, attend a First Communion class offered during the season of Lent.
Finally, ours is a small to medium-sized group and people matter. We will notice you and might say hello. You, in turn, can meet and make friends, if desired. We do not all think or act alike; but we share, laugh, find joy, and give support as needed. Please ask questions. We respect your choice to seek a safe and comfortable spot within our community of Jesus followers. Welcome to St. John’s.