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From the President

Monthly updates from the Congregational President

We are approaching a New Years Eve of sorts – one year since COVID-19 forced us to suspend in-person services, church activities, and just about everything fun and enjoyable.  As vaccine deployments ramp up and more and more of our community are getting the opportunity to be protected, we can see a growing light of hope ahead. Whew! It’s tempting to think “Let’s put last year behind us,” but if we look a little deeper, we can see that there is much to be thankful for at the end of Pandemic Year One. 

  • We moved all worship online (with 24 hours notice!), first in narthex, then into the sanctuary
  • All our music was provided by recording thanks to Susan and Jurgen, who also hosted many evening prayer services on Facebook
  • We held outdoor worship services three times during the summer, and also had an amazing live nativity outdoor Children’s Christmas Eve Service
  • We restarted limited in-person worship services in July, and Holy Communion by appointment was offered continuously throughout the pandemic – even before we reopened for in-person worship services
  • We pivoted many of our Christmas traditions, such as “Advent Wreaths to Go” in late November, which provided members and friends of St. John’s the opportunity to easily pick up the supplies they needed to make an Advent wreath at home
  • We sent the Campbell family off to their new calling with a fabulous farewell party and service, and generous gifts ($4600 donated by congregation)
  • The ECEC remained open except for two lock-down closures; all ECEC employees were paid throughout the closures, despite reduced manpower need during reduced capacity, and we finally completed facility upgrades to fix licensing issues
  • We collected over $2000 to support Maritza Guerra, the ECEC Director, recovering from COVID complications
  • The Creative Fellowship pivoted from their annual craft fair to hold virtual food sales, distributing $11,000 to St. Johns and other missions
  • We transitioned to Zoom for multiple learning opportunities for all ages; Confirmation and first communion were completed in the spring; new confirmation class kicked off in the fall
  • Our ESL moved online - over 105 students are currently registered, in 13 separate classes, with 31 volunteer teachers (!!) – we are one of the only local ESL programs to continue online
  • We supported the Hypothermia Shelter with money and food donations, deliveries, and catered hot meals - $1500 was "left over" from donated funds to pay forward to next year
  • We hired new a communications staff member, Jacqueline Fuller, to grow the SJLC digital foot campus (have you seen the awesome Instagram posts for lent? @sjlc.alexandria)
  • The Sunshine Committee had a very busy year sending cards to members of the St. John’s family on the occasion of a celebration, get well cards, and sympathy cards

Finally, a large group of St. John’s members and friends tried to make personal contact with all members of the congregation three times in the past year (May, July, and February), by phone, text and email messages. Conversations were about health and welfare, or prayer and support needs. Thanks to both callers and called keeping connections open and people linked.

While we have not spent much in-person time together, our pastors, church staff and many members of the congregation have done so much. So happy (Pandemic) New Year! Let’s hope that it’s our first and last.

I am, as always, tremendously honored to lead St. John’s, and I look forward to seeing you all soon.