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Service Opportunities

Carpenters Shelter, ESL, Koinonia, Meals on Wheels, Music Ministries, Vacation Bible School

As Lutheran Christians, we believe that being of service to other people, both in our community and beyond, is part of our calling as followers of Christ.

Carpenter's Shelter - Provides a meal one Sunday every other month for the homeless in Alexandria, 11 am-1 pm, the third Sunday of February, April, June, August, October and December. All are encouraged to participate. Coordinators: Lois Yasutis and Nilah Putnam.

ESL Volunteers

Haiti Servant Trip

Koinonia.  Monthly critical needs, food, clothing, and other aid to the less fortunate in the Franconia area, in support of our local social service agency, Koinonia. See the collection box in the narthex.  
    --Holiday food baskets for Koinonia clients at Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Coordinator: Debbie Haugan.
    --Christmas Wishes - toys and gift cards for needy area children.  Coordinator: Hoins Huddle.

Meals on Wheels - Delivery of hot meals to shutins the first Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of the month. Coordinators: Steve and Linda Tracy.

Music Ministries

Vacation Bible School